Why did I choose my major? Since I was a little girl I always had doubts about what I wanted to be as an adult, I liked many things and I couldn't choose only one. I always felt attracted to scientific careers and not to humanities, so when I grew up and people asked me "what I wanted to be", I had to choose an option and it was: Civil Engineering . When present the PDT and they published the results, I still wasn't sure which majors to apply for, even though I liked Engineering, so I went with my mom to a fair for applicants at the Universidad de Chile and I spoke with the students of different faculties and one that I liked the most was Architecture and therefore, that was the one I chose. I feel very happy with that choice because I feel that my personality adapts quite well to what this degree is. Model: School of Art. Final Project workshop 2 Field trip to Casa Dominó by Tomás Villalón. Part of the first model I made.